Date: 12/1/10
Location: Wes' Condo
Present: Jake, Wes, Bobby, Joey
The session kicks off immediately with combat between the party and 3 ash rats. Belven got a face full of smoke from the crate containing the ash rats and passes out from asphyxiation (Bobby was running late and the session started without him). Initiative was rolled: ash rats got a 26, Dewel got a 21, and Lear got a 4. The ash rats immediately scatter, one heading out of the hold and into the hall, and the other 2 spreading out in the hold. Dewel ran after the ash rat in the hall and skewered it with his shortsword while lear chased down one of the others. Rufus continued to bark, signaling that someone was approaching in the hallway, but apparently that person went into a different room and never entered the hold or investigated. Meanwhile the remaining 2 ash rats had wedged themselved between barrels in two different locations making them very difficult to hit, but eventually Dewel slew one and Lear the other (combat lasted 5 rounds).
While Dewel brought Belven around (Bobby had arrived) Lear went into the hallway and pried open a porthole. The ash rats had given off a lot of smoke and the open porthole allowed most of it to exit the ship, hiding the evidence of the fight. Following the same line of thought the bodies of the 3 ash rats were shoved through the porthole.
Rufus was brought into the hold to growl menacingly into the crate with hopes that the ash rats would be intimidated and not try to escape. Lear lifted the lid and Dewel and Belven peeked in and managed to see that there were 6 ash rats left in the crate (making a total of 9 brought on the voyage). The party re-locked the crate and the hold and went to bed.
During the next day while Lear and Belven go about their assigned tasks Dewel searches for the chocolate eating gnome but is unable to locate him. The party does not find this suspicious as there is a lot of activity on the ship and Dewel kept having to abandon the search to work. Eventually Dewel gives up and dives into his role as able seaman.
On the morning of the 4th day of the voyage the botanist Jaquees pulls Lear aside and asks if he has gleaned any new information. Lear informs him that he is exploring the possibility that the leaf presented to him isn't really a plant at all (which it clearly is, rolled a 1 on his Knowledge Nature check). Jaquees leaves shaking his head and avoids Lear for the rest of the day.
By the 7th day of the voyage the crew is restless in anticipation of putting in at the Light House Monastery for supplies, a fact show by the frequency and topic of conversation as they confide in Belven in his role as spiritual advisor as ship's cleric.
The Light House Monastery (Belven explains to his party mates) is run by an order of monks charged with safeguarding knowledge and known for their skill in arbitration. Belven has heard that there is a relatively new abbott named Andrew Hollis at the abbey (NOTE: this campaign takes place a few decades before the Montana Stevens Game previously run by Joey).
Sure enough that evening the Imperative and the Roundabout dock next to a jetty extending out from a bluff where the monastery rests. The monastery is noted as being a very large building that is 5 stories high (the highest building in Yorick is 3 stories making this the tallest building any party member has ever encountered). There is no community built around it, just the one massive building. The Imperative docks and Captain Angus heads down the gainplank to warmly greet a bearded monk, someone he obviously has met several times and has a good relationship with. Belven asks the boatswain how long they will be docked and is told no more than 24 hours.
Since there is only room for one ship to dock at a time, a group of gnomes started lashing the Roundabout to the side of the Imperative so that a gainplank could be run between the two ships. Dewel heads over to help and takes the opportunity to chat with the gnomes. Once the intership gainplank is in place a gnome in golden armor with a holy symbol of Garl Glittergold (gnomish patron god) crosses over from the Roundabout. Belven moves forward and introduces himself.
The gnome's name is Josiah Glint and he is the cleric for the Roundabout. Belven discovers that Josiah was recruit by Noah, the same recruiter that hired the party and presumably most of the crew. Feigning ignorance, Belven asks Josiah what the purpose of the voyage is. Josiah replies that he does not know, but there is much speculation amoung the Roundabout's crew. He specifically shares a rumour that the purpose of the voyage is to retrieve Baron Tugsley's wife and bring her back to Yorick. Josiah has not explored the Roundabout much and has not seen the hold. Belven shares that the party was told that the expedition was in search of a particular plant. Josiah seems puzzled at this information but does not press for more.
After Belven's conversation with Josiah Glint, Dewel wonders if there is an abnomally large number of gnomes on the voyage. A quick survey reveals that there seems to be an even distribution of gnomes, dwarves, half-orcs, and elves among the 2 crews with a liberal sprinkling of halflings. Since dwarves traditionally don't make good sailors and are distrustful of boats and open water the party decides that there was no real descrimination in hiring, which furthers their belief (along with the very high pay promised) that the expedition's backers, namely Baron Tugsley, has no intention of paying the crew and most likely has a nefarious plot to maroon or elimiate them in some way after the mission objectives have been accomplished.
While looking specifically for other halflings amoung the crew Dewel spies the halfling gunner Jindal and notices that he only has one thumb. As Jindal heads down the plank to land dewel joins him, strikes up a conversation, and steers it around to asking him about the lost thumb while Belven, Lear, and Rufus fall in behind them. Jindal says that he lost it in an accident involving an not quite extinguished fuse. Belven quietly lets Lear know that Jindal is lying (successful sense motive check). Stopping and letting the two halflings move ahead, Lear asks Belven if removal of a thumb could be the punishment of a crime in a particualr city or area, but Belven doesn't know (failed untrained knowledge check).
Meanwhile Dewel asks Jindal about the crossbow Jindal has strapped to his back. Jindal replies that it was his father's and says his father was a ner-do-well (suggesting that he was a criminal of some sort). Dewel asks to examine the crossbow and notes that it is of extraordinary quality and that the bolts almost glimmer (flavor text suggesting that at least the bolts and maybe the crossbow are magical). Jindal tells Dewel that the bolts are useful against certain types of creatures with a sidelong glance at Lear. When Dewel asks him to elaborate Jindal instead asks about Lear's habits at night and says that he doesn't trust the "canine-ness" of Lear, strongly implying that Lear should be watched. Further conversation reveals that Jindal's dad did not die peacefully and that Jindal is a follower of St. Cuthbert. Jindal then breaks away from his conversation and heads elsewhere.
As the party enters the Grand Hall of the monastery they are filled with a sense of warmth, peace, and tranquility. The hall is filled with tapestries depicting the various gods and famous legends of Neustrasia. Lear notices a balcony indicating a 2nd floor to the hall, and a stair where a bald dark-skinned monk with an eye-patch stands guard. Lear inquires about the second floor and the guard tells Lear that it is where the monastery's collection of artifacts is stored, and any may go up to view them (but not touch - something that is strongly stressed). Lear ascends the stair to check out the 2nd floor.
Meanwhile Dewel, having picked an orange from the orchard out front, falls to his knees in prayer in front of the Yondalla (halfling patron god) tapestry. In doing so he places his orange on the tapestry. To his amazement the orange sinks into the tapestry and dissappears when his prayer is finished.
Belven has noticed that the Pelor tapestry appears to glow slightly but fails to puzzle out why (rolled a 1 on his Knowledge Religion check). While he is pondering Dewel runs over excitedly, hauls Belven over to the Yondalla tapestry, and repeats the orange trick (he first tries it with trail rations to no effect). Belven blinks a couple of times, runs outside, returns with an orange and approaches the Pelor tapestry.
Holding the orange before him Belven prays feverently to Pelor. As his prayer concludes he touches the orange to the tapestry, whereupon the orange begins to faintly glow. Puzzled at this different reaction Belven notices that the glow seems to be coming from under the rind. When he peels the orange a bring light spills forth. After showing Dewel, Belven cautiously eats a glowing orange section. He immediately feels stoutly healthy (+2 to Constitution for 10 min/section eaten).
Immediately Dewel and Belven run out to the orchard, hastily look about for a basket or wheel barrow to collect oranges in. As they begin to harvest one of the monastery’s monks comes up and sternly reprimands them, explaining that the oranges are monastery property and they may only take what they need. Chastised, Dewel and Belven each take 2 oranges and head back into the Grand Hall.
Upstairs Lear sees rack and display cases holding weapons, armor, scrolls, and items of every design. All are obviously intensely magical. After viewing the collection appreciatively Lear returns to the first floor of the Grand Hall meeting Dewel and Belven as they re-enter with their 2 oranges. Dewel and Belven quickly fill Lear in about the tapestries. Dewel hurries over to the Yondalla tapestry and repeats the prayer/orange routine. Both oranges sink into the tapestry. Dewel, obviously expecting an effect similar to the Con boosting orange stares at the spot vacated by his two oranges for a minute before shrugging and muttering “Yondalla’s will be done” under his breath. Belven makes 2 more Con boosting oranges.
Lear approaches the Obad-hai tapestry (note: Lear worships nature as a primal force and is not a follower of Obad-hai) and tries to create a similar effect with a handful of seeds and berries. The seeds and berries each grow twice their size. Lear eats a berry which tastes very sweet but does not grant any particular game mechanic bonus. He pockets the seeds and berries for later.
After experimenting with the tapestries Dewel expresses to the party that he feels that this hall is “the last bastion of hope in a dying world”. Unbeknownst to the party a young monk has quietly walked up behind them. He startles them by saying that Dewel’s comment is far too pessimistic. He goes on to say that he believes that faith in and of itself is never a bad thing and as long as there is faith ultimately there is hope for the world.
Belven recognizes the monk’s face from a commemorative coin and identifies him to the party as the Abbott Andrew Hollis. All are surprised as Hollis appears to be only twenty years of age. When the party comments on his youth Hollis relies that the pervious Abbott had an extremely long life for a human (lightly implied to be an effect of the role and title of the Abbott position) living to the age of 425. Hollis goes on to explain that when the old Abbott died the senior monks convened and when their meeting was over simply declared Hollis the Abbott. Dewel, who has obviously been wrestling with faith since entering the Grand Hall asks if Andrew Hollis worships a specific god. Hollis replies that he believes in something but he doesn’t know exactly what. Dewel and Hollis talk quietly about prayer and faith until Belven interrupt to ask if ships often stop at the Lighthouse Monastery to supply. Hollis says that they do, and then pauses and -with a side long glance- says that if the party is looking for it he can provide an experience that will help them but warns that it is dangerous. The party agrees with no discussion.
Andrew Hollis leads them to a dark room, hands them each a torch, and indicates that they should enter. As soon as the last party member crosses the threshold Hollis shuts the door behind them. Immediately torches on the walls spring to light illuminating a fairly large room that appears to be a martial practice hall of some sort. In the far corner of the hall stands 6 large wicked looking orcs armed with javelins and brandishing large falchions.
Initiative is rolled: Dewel gets a 17, Belven a 16, the orcs a 13, and Lear a 4. Dewel and Belven open up with their crossbows but fail to score a hit. Three orcs return with a volley of javelins thrown into the party and the other three charge forward and lay into our heroes with their swords grievously wounding Belven. Lear casts Magic Fang on Rufus and moves forward to engage an orc. Rufus circles behind the orc Lear confronts and flanks him, scoring a vicious bite.
Dewel prays as he looses another bolt (which misses), and Belven retreats 5 feet and heals himself with a Cure Light Wounds spell. The orc presses after Belven, keeping him engaged, and another orc hits Lear solidly giving him a major wound. Lear also back off 5 feet and casts Shillelagh to empower his club. Rufus continues to harry his orc but fails to connect.
Dewel wastes yet another bolt, but Belven manages to cave in the side of the head of the orc standing toe to toe with him. Another orc rushes up to take his place. One of the orcs manages to slip past Rufus and Lear and splits Dewel open with his fachion, leaving Dewel barely on his feet. At Lear’s command Rufus chases after and kills the orc threatening Dewel while Lear slays the orc he is engaging.
Dewel cursingly misses another shot while Belven pounds on the latest orc attacking him damaging the orc severely. In return the orc lands a mighty blow on the cleric which drops him (-2 hit points). The remaining two orcs split, one going for and hitting Rufus and the other squaring off with Lear. Lear dispatches his orc with one blow and then, knowing that Dewel can’t survive another hit, falls back to form a defensive perimeter with Rufus that protects the halfling. Rufus keeps the orc he’d confronting at bay but doesn’t manage to actually damage him.
Dewel finally manages to connect and shatters the head of the orc standing over Belven like an overripe melon with his crossbow shot. The final orc turns his focus to Lear but misses, and Rufus leaps forward to tear his throat out, ending the combat (combat lasts 5 rounds).
When the final orc falls his body vanishes as do the bodies of his companions and the torches on the walls go out, leaving the party in darkness. The door opens and Andrew Hollis enters. He heals everyone of their wounds.
End of Session
XP: 750
Kill List: 3 ash rats, 6 orcs
Session ends evening of the 8th day, 7th day of the voyage
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Session 2 - The Lighthouse Monastery
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